Big News! AwakenHub announced as Awardee of ReThink Ireland SED Fund 2021

ReThink SED announcement July 2021 (1).png

We are beyond pleased to announce today that AwakenHub is an Awardee of the ReThink Ireland Social Enterprise Development Fund 2021. We are so looking forward to meeting the 33 other fabulous organsations from surf therapy, knitting to promote social cohesion, and combating rural property crime – the social enterprises working to achieve a fairer Ireland.

We will be working on our plans over the next month or two and will be back in early Autumn with an exciting addtiional AwakenHub initiative which will help us all in our mission to change the landscape for women founders across the Island of Ireland.

Thank you for being such an epic bunch of people - women founders, want-to-be-founders, company builders, supporters, allies and friends. The journey is still in its infancy but we are motoring now and on our way.

Be sure to stay in touch with happenings at AwakenHub by signing up to our newsletter below.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Sinead, Mary, Clare & Mary (aka AwakenHub Crew)

ps: As we set AwakenHub up during Lockdown numero uno and haven’t see eachother in the flesh since early 2020 we dont have a gorgeous socialmedia-able pic to share but we will sort that out soon.

pps: Some background on ReThink Ireland SED Fund and they also have lots of exciting other funds and activities connected to Social Enterprise so check them out if this is news to you.

  • The Social Enterprise Development Fund is a €3.2 million Fund being delivered from 2018 – 2022. The fund was created by Rethink Ireland in partnership with Local Authorities Ireland and funded by IPB Insurance and the Department of Rural and Community Development through the Dormant Accounts Fund.

  • On Tuesday, July 27th 2021 Rethink Ireland announced the 34 Awardees of their Social Enterprise Development Fund; 16 enterprises will receive cash grants and business support, and a further 18 projects have been awarded a place on the organisation’s Genesis Programme which provides strategic business support to organisations.

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.


AwakenHub featured in The Currency

