BBC Radio Foyle Interview

It was a lot of fun to be back in the BBC #RadioFoyle studio in #Derry today with Mark Patterson & NumeraSee founder Katrina Gormley. We talked about AwakenHub's #SheGenerate accelerator and our founder showcase which is happening on 14 June (details here), supported by InterTradeIreland we will be joined by Shana Chu of Tailr and the event will be hosted by Mary Carty. On the evening we have 6 #femalefounders pitching and competing for a cash prize. The winner will be determined by the audience vote so come along! Katrina is one of the final 6, hot on the heels of her recent win with the LAB Fund, along with Lisa Breslin Bernadette McTiernan Cate O' Connor Michelle Connor Lara Hanlon - you all got a shoutout from Mark on today's show! You can listen below.

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Katrina & I thoroughly enjoyed being part of Mark's show at Radio Foyle today. We also talked about why it matters that children all over the globe get a good start with mathematics, spotting and nurturing early stage entrepreneurial talent, the imminent launch of our #AwakenAngels syndicate (where we are ably assisted Stateside by Mary Ann Pierce), paying it back and paying it forward and finally how much fun it's been running SheG Cohort 1 with our 56 founders.


Mary McKenna at #SharedIsland Rural & Community Development

