‘Did You Know?’ #DonegalConnect Guest Blog

Donegal Connect takes place from 22nd - 25th September, for the fourth consecutive year, and aims to showcase the county to a wide and varied audience through a range of food, genealogy, business, arts and culture events. As part of this year's Donegal Connect event and Tip O’Neill Irish Diaspora Awards, AwakenHub in partnership with Donegal County Council are delighted to bring you an online event featuring the best of Donegal’s creative talent ‘Donegal Inspires Creative Women of the World’  Find out more about the event HERE Details of other Donegal Connect events are HERE.

This year’s theme is reconnecting with people and places, and Donegal Connect have put together this wonderful guest blog for us to encourage people to explore why Donegal is a great place to live, work, invest, study and do business in. So here is their ‘DID YOU KNOW’ piece about Donegal and all it has to offer. Enjoy!


  • Donegal was the first region in Ireland to develop and implement a Remote Working Strategy for Business! Launched in June 2021, the strategy aims to promote Donegal as the ideal location for remote work to globally. Over 400 jobs have been announced to date in 2022!

  • There are huge opportunities for a progressive, dynamic and flexible career in Donegal in sectors including Engineering, Marketing, Life Sciences & Innovation.

  • There is a wide range of World-Class Digital Innovation Hubs available across every region in Donegal. Over 300 individuals signed up for the Working Holiday 2022 campaign across the county. Check out your nearest hub HERE!

  • Donegal has an exciting, vibrant and energetic night life and social life on offer. With award winning restaurants, hotels, resorts, spas, golf clubs and more available at your doorstep! check out what’s available HERE!

  • #LoveDonegal is an annual event which connects people from all corners of the world with the county. Last Year’s event reached over 17 million across the world and trended on social media over two days!

  • Donegal is the first county to launch a bespoke clothing line showcasing the new branding.

  • The North West City Region is exceptionally well placed as an investment hub for business and global companies seeking to establish a gateway to both the UK and EU markets with an established reputation as a compelling investment proposition.

  • Donegal is home to the largest Gaeltacht region in Ireland, a region with a strong sense of culture, traditions, music and folklore.

  • Donegal Airport has been voted the "Most Scenic Airport in the World" for 3 years in a row. Passengers can avail of daily flights to Dublin, the UK, and Europe.

  • Donegal is the proud home of 14 blue flag beaches and several iconic scenic locations including Glenveagh National Park, Ards Forest Park, Errigal, Malin Head, Beltony Stones, and more.

  • There are several innovative and progressive education & training providers located in the North West and Donegal who collaborate closely with industry partners in order to provide a highly skilled and talented workforce.

#DonegalConnect #CeangailDúnnanGall #DonegalItsInOurDNA #IrelandsDNA


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