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From growing up in Antrim, to Uni in LIverpool and a stint on offshore rigs to the Libyan dessert, read how an MBA opened Alison McMurtrie’s eyes to a life outslide of the corporate norm leading her to set up her own business Idunn after moving back to Ireland in 2020. Alison also has a podcast series called Dream:Reality on the go so check it out via youtube and via apple/spotify.

Q1: How would you describe yourself in 6 words or less?

Energetic & passionate about growing the economy

Q2: What prompted you to start your business?

Whilst undertaking an MBA my eyes were opened to other opportunities and industries outside of my corporate job, in which I had worked since graduating. The corporate job I had was a juxtaposition of my own values, of helping individuals and working towards wholistic growth, the corporate environment had reduced people to numbers and efficiency statistics. During my Dissertation I was able to explore my passion project of the start-up ecosystem in Ireland. My research uncovered the amount of churn in business, the amount of investment that leaves Ireland and the lack of support for businesses to develop and grow in Ireland. Hence I took the entrepreneurial plunge to leave the corporate world and  start up a business in this area and Idunn was born.

I had already decided to change career, and we were in the process to moving to Ireland. Starting a business that focused on 2+ year old businesses to support them to grow profitably and sustainably seemed the natural next step.

 Q3: Can you tell us a bit more about your background?

Originally from Randalstown in Co Antrim, I studied Mechanical Eng with Management at Liverpool Uni. I know I wanted to move out of the UK, so when looking for employment, this was always my interview question! I took a job with Schlumberger Oilfield Services, as they were the only company that guaranteed that - I had zero understanding of what they did - so had a proper baptism of fire :) I worked on offshore rigs and land rigs for 5 years in some amazing places, from the North Sea, Mediterranean, Caspian, Libyan desert to Australian outback. Then I moved into line management. I was the first female line manager in the Middle East working out of Qatar which was booming at the time. We had a lot of responsibility and accountability placed on us at the time - and I loved it. I then moved into an HR position, focusing on talent management, compensation, career development and training. This was true learning on the job (I was an engineer!). I then was placed in my dream job of Operations Manager North Sea, Europe and Remotes (covering the offshore work in Mediterranean and West Africa). I arrived just as the 2014 downturn hit. I adapted very quickly, to right size the organisation, facilities and assets, whilst trying to maintain some motivation in the team. We worked on completely different contract terms, new revenue streams and new technology just to keep our heads above water. Returning from maternity leave from our second child. I changed to Global HR role, responsible for all aspects of HR from policies, compensation reviews, HC, optimisation, training ........ But this was not where my passion lay, so I badgered my boss to move to into a Technology role. I became the Global Technology Lifecycle manager - responsible for delivering the best fit for purpose assets, and optimising their maintainability whilst lengthening their lifespan. We introduced remote maintenance, AI diagnostics, VR and AR into the workstreams.

So overall I consider myself a Generalist. I have had an amazing career in high pressure situations, responsible for thousands of employees across the globe, and managed businesses through 4 major downturns. I have been luck to work over seas where I met my NZ husband, and we have 2 children (boy and a girl) and a dog!

Q4: What would you like to share with the AwakenHub community about your female founder journey?

I moved to Ireland in July 2020, we knew no one here. We chose our location by what school would give us a spot. Starting a business in Ireland is all about community and connection. I had definitely underestimated this. Founding a business needs people to bounce ideas off, an energetic spirit - and I feel that it is so important to search this out - whether you are the next big thing, a HPSU, or someone making a project from the kitchen table. Hence, I have spent most of my time in the first 6 months of my business journey talking to people, networking, getting out of my comfort zone, getting known by people.

This has paid off, as now, I am getting clients who has been recommended to talk to me.

Q5: How has being part of the AwakenHub community helped your business?

This community has helped me see that I am not alone. This is what it is like to start a business. As a female, I have found it hard to be taken seriously, had my credibility of business acumen challenged publicly.... And I wonder if I was male would that have happened? AwakenHub has given me a community that inspires me to keep going, to challenge back and to work to help more females take on the Founder role, give them confidence to make the change that I and so many others have done - something that I feel that every founder or nascent founder needs!

Q6: Have you an ‘ask’ which we can share with fellow #Awakenhubbers

Be Confidant, if in doubt - DO IT. Support each other, lift up.

Q7: What words do you live by as a founder?

Always say YES to an opportunity that will challenge you. Work out the details and the how later!

If you would like to connect with Alison you can find her via:

Twitter: @IDunnConsult

Instagram: @idunn.consulting

Website: | Idunn Consultants

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alisonmcmurtrie/

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.


‘Hustling 101. Empowering female founders in the skill of negotiation’

