
We are focussing in on Derry this week as we share Carol Doherty’s plan for WorkHouse - a space that people can come to work in a calm supportive environment with a social aspect to. WorkHouse is a work in progress and Carol would love your help in filling in her short survey which will inform the final set up and services offered. Read more about Carol’s plans below and her founder journey to date as part of the SheGenerate programme.

To get us started - how would you describe yourself in 6 words or less? 

Helpful, Outgoing, Organised.

What prompted you to start your business?

I've had this idea since 2017 after a trip to Toronto and it has always niggled at me whether I could achieve it. The past year that niggle had gotten stronger and my belief that it would work I decided to make the jump and progress it from just an idea to hopefully a reality. I have worked hard throughout my career to help make other peoples businesses successful, now I would like to put that energy into my own business. My customers would range from free-lancers & creatives to people working from home that would either like a change of scenery or a non-disruptive place to work for either a day for a few hours.

Tell us a little bit more about you?

I'm 41, a wife to Kevin & mammy to Myles (6). I'm proudly from Galliagh, Derry, where my engineering career path started at St. Brigid's High School. My 20+years career has always been within the engineering/manufacturing industry as an accomplished AutoCAD Designer. Running is a huge interest of mine, you would catch me on the road wearing bright leggings or on the trails with a picnic on my back.

Fill us in on your female founder journey.

I have found the experience challenging at times were I have questioned everything and doubted myself. Through this experience I have learned to be more resilient and confident. I have had to go a different route regarding premises to move my plans forward which coincidentally gave me more of an insight into being a founder.

How did you hear about AwakenHub and what prompted you to apply for SheGenerate? 

I heard about AwakenHub through Mary McKenna. I applied for SheGenerate as I knew I needed help and guidance if I wanted to make my idea a reality.

What are you hoping to get out of the SheGenerate process? 

I hope to build on my confidence on my business idea, learn from other peoples experience & expertise also I would like to gain a new network of people that I could help in some way with my skills.

What does success look like to you - in 12 months and in 5 years? 

In 12 months I would like to have a good customer base and a PT member of staff. In 5 years I would like to be able to expand and upgrade our services with the possibility of more staff.

SheGenerate is only a small part of AwakenHub - now that you have the community's attention - what can we/they do for you?

Keep me on the right path for me and my business through their experiences of being a founder.

As a founder - what are your non-negotiables?

My parents are my inspiration, their determination and work ethic that they instilled into me has gotten me to where I am now and without their push and guidance I know I wouldn't be in the career I am today. What they have also taught me is the value of a healthy work/life balance. Words that I try to remember and live by are 'You're a long time dead'.


Instagram @workhouse_ni

LinkedIn WorkHouse

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.


#Spotlight with Valerie Pierce, Author and Founder of 'Clear and Critical Thinking'

