Joyriding with Angela Scanlon

We all know Angela for her epic broadcasting career and Thanks A Million podcast. On 12 May Angela published her first book ‘Joyrider’ a magnificent insight into how she has woven joy and gratitude into the fabric of her daily existence by cherry picking the bits that feel closest to her heart and mind.  And on Tuesday, 17 May we got to share 75 minutes talking about bite sized bits of gratitude followed by an insight into her founder journey to date with frkl.

AwakenHub Co-founder and host for the evening Sinead Crowley came armed with a tonne of questions and the chat could have gone on for hours.

Below are some of the bits they touched on

All things Joyrider:

  • Moving from drifting through life by understanding a disconnect between your external and internal self’ and ‘the need to remember who you were before you started pretending to be someone else’ at any age is key to being present and allowing yourself to move forward.

  • Distraction is NOT the same thing as rest. Understand the difference. Courageous imperfect action daily will help grow/heal the nervous system.

  • AwakenHub as a community of rebels shifting goalposts for women founders could relate to Angela describing reaching for joy in a world determined to make you live in fear - is an act of anarchy.’ We are all looking to find ways to move beyond fear and not be apologetic about it, especially as women in life and in business.

  • Sinead talked about her ‘Be more Dolly’, as in Dolly Parton, ‘and how she has advocated a ‘Lean Out’ philosophy for years - by which she means focussing only on what is truly important letting the rest just play itself out without sucking up any of your energy. Angela uses a being ‘more potato’ analogy to allow for warts and all to be ok and not let it stop us creating space for things to open up in our lives. 

  • Remember to set aside a muddled set of beliefs systems to ‘motoring ahead with clarity and purposeand giving adequate time to figure this out.

  • Making a transition from intellectually understanding ‘finding joy’ to taking it to a feeling and being state of mind is key - Angela says you have to ‘feel it in your bones’. Live the belief system as much as you can. A teeny bit is way better than no bit - so enough is enough for wherever and whatever you need because sometimes what we need is right in front of us (and we have it already) but just cant see it.

  • Be an expander ‘curious and open to envy as breadcrumbs of desire to help reach our potential’. Be inspired not threatened to move from scarcity to an abundance mindset.

  • Angela recently stepped into the world of women founders with the launch of Frkl – an amazing customisable jewellery brand and a two fingered salute to everyone who ever told us we’re less than “perfect”. 

  • She wanted to shift gears to do that thing that other people could do but maybe she was afraid of before now. frkl is that business which sits in a place of passion - as jewellery is such a personal choice and something we wear with purpose. It’s a means of expressing ourselves in our daily lives.

  • Imposter Syndrome, faking it to ya make it and not being afraid of failure. Embrace them all. Move away from the 'martyrdom’ of wearing our limitations as a belief system to one where its ok to not know everything, not be ok, or to fail occasionally is all good and a valuable part of a growth mindset. We need to be more like the guys who (for the most part) see failure as a badge of honour and right of passage. Don’t be afraid to NOT be fully formed, to accept room for improvement and know our limitations but ask for help. Welcome in the lovingly given kicks up the arse or gently persuasions - whichever work best for you.

  • Sinead spoke about founder life has its own eco-system, language, nuances and until we enter this alternative universe there is little reason to maybe understand it. Not knowing something does not make you stupid but not finding the answer might do. So Angela’s Live by Design – Not By Default with routine, repetition and structure is a super foundation to building any business. Learn how to feel your fears and eat them - taking the power out of them or using that power in a constructive way to propel you forward. If you have never done something before you are not going to know all the answers but embrace that and crack on because nothing will ultimately change if we don’t. To grow our business you really need to know your business and the environment it sits in. 

  • If we could put as much energy and consistency into moving forward as many of us do into standing in our own way – great things will most likely happen.  We need to stop interfering with our growth.

We will leave you with this. If you haven’t read #Joyrider - you seriously need to get that situation sorted if only to find out about your subconscious being a flat full of bitches which can keep us safe but also stuck if left unchallenged. We spend a lot of time telling women founders at AwakenHub how important it is to understand their different customer types but never have we thought to figure out what out own inner bitches look like in technicolour and how by knowing them we can find other routes to success.

Find Angela online:

Angela Scanlon (@angelascanlon) / Twitter


frkl. (@myfrkl)

Team AwakenHub

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.



