Show Me The Money

October was all about MONEY at AwakenHub.

As women we have a lot of catching up to do with regards to how we plan financially for our futures. We might be really good at managing household finances and are generally less risk adverse when it comes to how we invest. However, we are way behind in terms of building out a viable financial plan as we get older. Lesley Tully, CEO and Founder of Penny Technologies wants to change all that and she shared some amazing insights with us.

Other than the personal side of finance we also need to consider how we access finance as women founders. And who better than Rachel Naughton, Head of SME & Leasing, AIB to talk us through some tips and steps as to how you manage your relationships with banks and financial institutions. One top tip is to not be afraid to go back and ask questions should you not get what you asked for. A simple follow up conversation could bring to light that you simply asked for a little bit too much money and are over a threshold you may not know exists based on your application details.

Watch back at your leisure and be prepared to take notes.

Team AwakenHub

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.




#1YearOn with Sarah Irwin