
We are only too delighted to have long standing friend and supporter of all things #AwakenHub Louise O’Connor as our #FollowLouise this week. As per usual we ask each person we profile a few questions so that you can learn a little bit more about them. Someone who lives and breathes the #giversgain mentality you will need little excuse to take a sec and find Louise on twitter @louiseoconor.

Founding Partner @BetaDigitalLtd, Board @IIBN, Mentor @Entirl, CoFounder @Ire_Together

Q1: How would you describe yourself in 6 words or less?   

 Business and digital advisor, connector, mentor.

 Q2: What prompted you to start your business?   

 I've been digitally adapting, transforming and scaling businesses - from startups, SMEs, and multinationals - across global markets and multiple industries, for over 20 years. I had been asked on many occasions would I not go out on my own but the timing didn't feel right. Then I met my co-founders of both Beta Digital and IrelandTogether and knew I had to seize the opportunity.

Q3: Can you tell us a bit more about you?  

 I've moved countries every 4 years of my life since birth. I travel extensively and am grateful to have picked up a few languages along the way. This is important as the more I travel, the more I learn and that fuels my passion for diverse and collective thinking, education, innovation, connecting people, and the infinite possibilities technology can provide to truly make a difference. I love helping business owners to imagine and see how they could do things differently. My own journey has been an adventure (to say the least) and while I'm an avid believer in serendipity and everything happening for a reason, I also believe we have the power to help make it happen.

 Q4: How has being part of the AwakenHub community helped your business?  

 I'm biased as am privileged to know the co-founders and their passion, dedication and never-ending support of female founders. When I saw the first tweet that these inspiring women had come together to start AwakenHub I had no doubt something big was about to happen and in a brief few months it already has. The support, energy and community growing daily is phenomenal and is bringing women together in solidarity to support and learn from each other. That's a beautiful and powerful achievement. I can't wait to see and be part of what's still to come! 

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.


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