AwakenHub & AwakenAngels in the Real Capital #GotWings

Team AwakenHub & AwakenAngels had another busy week in Cork before summer madness truly kicks in. We were lucky enough that our friends in Gladore Group hosted us for a wonderful AwakenHub & AwakenAngels event in their amazing offices and event space in Cork city. Despite the mid-summer date Cork did not disappoint and the room was full of exciting and interested women founders and prospective #AwakenAngels

As one of our co-founders is a loyal Cork woman, Sinead Crowley was on a mission to spread the AwakenHub & AwakenAngels word on home turf.

Joined by the legendary Susan Hayes Culleton (naturally also a Corkonian), Susan had a long list of questions to chat through with Sinead on all things women founders, startups, what it means to be an angel investor, how women can get started via AwakenAngels and the opportunities that exist for women founders to be considered for pre-seed and seed funding through the newly launched and first of it’s kind AwakenAngels women led angel investor syndicate.

Sinead also reminded people that by women led we do not mean women only and we are not interested in operating within a silo. But as Sinead says ‘ The women are driving the bus’ and majority investments will be made by women angels into soley women founded or co-founded businesses on the island of Ireland.

Angels can be complete novices or seasoned pros looking to be part of curated deal flow, a private AwakenAngel investor community and we even have AwakenAcademy to give you all the skills and knowledge required to start from scratch or refresh your angel investing knowledge base. Investment tickets start at a game changing 2k per individual and angels choose who they want to invest in and how much.

AwakenHub celebrated it’s third birthday on 6 July. We now have in excess of 3000 subscribers to our community and a vibrant private AwakenClub women founders space with hundreds of women founders looking to build scalable businesses.

AwakenAngels was always part of the plan to achieve real equity for women founders. We have spent three years building up the AwakenHub community of women founders at all stages of their journey, from all sectors, backgrounds and with different dreams and aspirations in mind.

Those who have global ambition from day one were always going to be on our #angelradar as we knew they would most likely need to raise funds along the way. WIthout more than a handful of women on the angel investor side of the table meant their path to success was undeniably going to be harder than male founders. No judgement here on the male founders. We just wanted to do our bit to create equity and parity when all things considered the fouders, whether men or women, were equally capable with investible businesses.

ICYMI, the good news is we now are accepting Expressions of Interest for #AwakenAngels syndicate members. If you are a woman, resident on the island of Ireland and NEVER angel invested before you can also put your hat in the ring for free membership & AwakenAcademy access in year 1. Spaces are limited so speed is of the essence.

Expressions of Interest from women founders are also being accepted but we do ask that you are a member of our AwakenClub community as we really want to know who and what we are dealing with before we put you forward for potential investment.


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