Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Upper Ballinderry, Co. Antrim, Fiona Doherty, the passionate force behind HoneyComb Cabin, found her sanctuary and purpose in the gentle hum of bees and the warmth of a log cabin. HoneyComb Cabin isn't just a business—it's a reflection of Fiona's journey towards authenticity, sustainability, and harmony with nature.
Fiona is part of our SheGenerate 3.0 cohort. With special thanks to our SheGen3.0 Partners for making the programme possible - Taylor Wessing Ireland, AIB, Catalyst NI, British Business Bank and Ulster Bank Northern Ireland.
How would you describe yourself in 6 words or less?
Authentic, enthusiastic, practical, sustainable, compassionate, logical.
What prompted you to start your business?
Through my passion for beekeeping, I found that there was a need for authentic, environmentally friendly, and reputable products from the bee hive. This inspired me to start HoneyComb Cabin in response to that need. My customer base are people of all ages but have an interest in eco awareness, sustainability and who want products locally produced from an trustworthy source that they can connect to. Also, people who want well made, quality hand made products at an affordable price.
Tell us a little bit more about you?
I am originally from Lurgan and now live in a traditional log cabin in Upper Ballinderry, Co. Antrim after marrying my husband, John. I have a degree in Applied Maths and Physics and a Masters in Engineering Computation both from QUB. I have worked in Nortel Networks R&D, the civil service and Citi Bank in Belfast. After working in a corporate environment I took some time away after the arrival of my third child, Edward. I felt that I needed to walk away from the high stress, cut throat environment. I was simply exhausted from the continual friction between family life and corporate life. I had originally intended a year away from work but one year turned into seven years as we discovered that Edward is autistic and thereafter my daughter and I have also been diagnosed autistic. As a result we moved to a more rural location to increase our quality of life and into our log cabin. This was a game changer for all of us. We began to live a more sustainable life, closer to nature and I indulged in a hobby that I had been interested in for a long while - beekeeping. We could all finally breathe! Life is slower but more genuine. We are able to be ourselves and totally destress in a calm, loving, warm and safe home. I am very community minded and am a section leader in the Scout movement. We now have ducks, chickens as well as the bees. There is a veg patch and we try to grow as much of our own food as possible. I wanted to get back into some form of work, something that would stretch me intellectually and would generate some income. Instead of going back into the corporate life I decided to pursue my passion of beekeeping and this allows me to have a perfect work, home balance. I have absolutely loved the journey and what's even better, we're still on it.
Fill us in on your female founder journey.
I have found the initial stage quite stressful (in a good way!) but enjoyable. There is so much to do, so many things I never thought would need covered. I have completely underestimated the time and effort some things can take such as social media posts, defining target customer base and getting my branding completed. Thank God for Canva! It is completely different from any other jobs that I have had, this is a lot more personal, a lot more focused on me as a person, my values and personality. Something that initially took me by surprise and has taken me a while to get used to. I have found this aspect really difficult. As I have already stated I am autistic and would rather blend into the background than have the focus on me. But I have just said to myself that what are the options? Give up and live in regret or just battle on and learn how to make things work for me. I initially worried about speaking to lots of new people at the craft fairs but have found that I really enjoy it. I get a buzz from speaking to people who have an interest in my products and it is a real confidence boost. I am only up and running a few months and am still finding my feet but I am just bursting with ideas and energy. But most importantly, I love that I am still a 'present' mother and I can fulfil my home life as well as giving myself some independence and another facet to my identity. I also feel that it is important as a woman to be in the workplace, to bring a whole different dimension and to shape business to work for everyone.
How did you hear about AwakenHub and what prompted you to apply for SheGenerate?
I heard about AwakenHub through Clare McGee who was my mentor on a council based 'start up' course that I was talked into going to by my husband. I have a lot more confidence now!
What have you gotten out of the SheGenerate process?
The community feel of other people at the same stage as me. I feel that I can ask questions and get involved and it is a safe place to do so. I don't feel judged or criticised. Initially I was apprehensive as I was worried that it would be like my old corporate days but the process has all of the professionalism and motivation without the negative environment. The other participants are genuinely collaborative and want others to succeed. As well as people like me learning how to get going there is a great group of genuine and positive people who are established and successful to learn from. I hope to get long lasting relationships and friendships and an increased business knowledge to help me grow my business dream.
What does success look like to you - in 12 months and in 5 years?
In 12 months I would like my brand name well known and be established at the main/large craft fairs in NI and generating a healthy profit. In 5 years time. I would like to have my product range extended to include beeswax cosmetics. To extend my candle range to include wedding favours and corporate gifts. I would expect my online shop to be a regular income. On the 'knowledge' side, I am currently studying a 2 year proficiency course in bee keeping, to have that finished and in 5 years to be a knowledgeable and capable beekeeper, working towards 'Master Beekeeper'! I am also studying how to rear genetically good quality queen bees, so in 5 years I would like to have another side to my business where I sell genetically 100% Native Irish Queen bees and colonies.
SheGenerate is only a small part of AwakenHub - now that you have the community's attention - what can we/they do for you?
I would like to extend my reach. I am finding it difficult to get people's attention and I need to build my social media presence and online customers.
What are your non-negotiables (what do you know for sure/ what words/phrase do you live by/ who inspires you? and maybe finish up with - Six Words to Live By.)
My non-negotiables are:
Family life is sacred. I am a mother and I love being a mother. I have sacrificed a lot to become a mother and now that I have found how to be there for them, I want to stay.
Doing the right thing. Whether that is for yourself, your family, your customers or the environment. If you stay on the path of being honest and beneficial to yourself and others you won't go far wrong. That also means saying no to things that aren't right for you.
Words to live by: As I was an undiagnosed autistic woman until recently, I can honestly say that finding out who I am under the autism 'mask' has been liberating. The following is what I say to myself to combat the years of trying to be something that 'fits' into the world.
Do not go to war with yourself. Be you. Just you. Whoever or what ever you are.
If you love and genuinely care for yourself, your family and the environment, the world will be better for you and us all.
A person who inspires me: A long held inspirational person is Helen Keller a blind and deaf American author. I can remember reading her story when I was a girl. Something struck a chord with me, Helen was in a world that was alien to her, people treated her as strange and she really struggled but she overcame it and in doing so help so many others. I found her story was like a lifeline.
Six Words to Live By:
Do not go to war with yourself.